I don’t just want to SAY that I’m going to leave this world better than I found it. I want to actually DO it. Supporting fair trade allows me to actively do just that.
– Sarah Faur
I believe that fair trade is much more than a label on a product. It’s the opportunity to actively contribute to improving the world as we currently know it by supporting a safer and more sustainable supply chain for the environment, the workers, and the communities they call home.
After living in Latin America for 8 years and witnessing first hand the very poor working conditions that so many people have to endure as a result of unethical businesses, I knew I couldn’t stand idly by. Things need to change! Workers deserve better! This is why I now actively volunteer with Chicago Fair Trade.
Since 2018, I’ve volunteered my time at events, and now as a Board Member, to support CFT’s mission to educate, activate and celebrate fair trade values. This allows me to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ and make tangible steps to improving broken systems in our current society.
I am personally inviting you to support me in my journey of leaving this world a better place than I found it. I am hopeful that my friends, family and colleagues will understand the importance of this organization to me and help me raise $1500 for CFT (a 501(c)(3) organization) to continue their work.
Even if now is not the right time to donate for you, if you are reading this, it’s because I wanted to share with you about the work I do, why it’s important to me, and allow you the opportunity to also support this noble cause.
P.S.- If you’d like to learn more about what fair trade is exactly, you can read through this website….or just ask me!
Help me raise money!
My personal goal is $1,500.00
Donate to our Flash Fundraiser page and make sure to choose my name for your donation inspiration!
Thanks to all the donors!
Thank you! I’ve reached my goal, but let’s not stop there! My donors have raised $1,714.04; let’s keep going!
Jose Hernandez
October 1, 2023
September 26, 2023
Adrianna Navarro
September 25, 2023
Faye Griffiths
September 22, 2023
Eric Davis
September 22, 2023
Ruth Erika Schafer
Donating towards Sarah Faur's goal
September 21, 2023
Rebecca Faur
You’re amazing Sarah!
September 21, 2023
Brian Faur
September 21, 2023
Andrea Quintanar
Gracias por todo tu esfuerzo!
September 21, 2023
Jim & Trude Faur
Proud of our daughter Sarah M. Faur, doing her best to make this world a better place for all, Love, Dad & Trude.
September 21, 2023
Maxine Cookston
September 21, 2023
Holly Gillis
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
Nancy Demuth
Thank you Sarah for your incredible project management and organisational skillz (plus your new-found label-printing prowess)!
September 20, 2023
Debbie Petrone
Hi Sarah! We have a condo now in Chicago & are there more. Hope to meet up sometime.
September 19, 2023
Sarah Faur
September 19, 2023