“Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will.”
Slogan of the Eight Hour Movement
This week is a special time for me to be raising money for Chicago Fair Trade, given that I recently lost my job. I’ve spent even more time than usual (maybe I’m weird, I think about it a lot!) thinking about the role and value of work in my life. This year, I happen to be not just a Board member, but also a part-time employee of Chicago Fair Trade, because they’ve generously taken me on to staff the Holiday Popup Shop!
So of course, as I assess how I want to work in the future, I’m also thinking about what work looks like for the people around me. I’m thinking about the services I want to provide to the world, and recognizing how essential so many people’s work is to my daily survival, comfort, and happiness.
Fair trade brings that to light. It lets us actually know what work goes into that cup of coffee, the cute pair of shoes, the new mattress (yes, you can get all these things fair trade!). It lets us know that these people around the world also get to think about how they can apply their skills to serve the world. They don’t have to just take whatever job is available. They get a say in what they do to earn a living—just like I am so acutely aware I want to. They also get time and freedom outside of work for rest and “what they will.” Time to be who they want to be and enjoy what they love.
This year, even while living on a shoestring budget, I’ve donated $100 to Chicago Fair Trade, because I want this movement, this reality of meaningful, life-giving work, to keep growing worldwide.
Please join me today with the most generous gift you can make.
Thank you so much.

Help me raise money!
My personal goal is $1,500.00
Donate to our Flash Fundraiser page and make sure to choose my name for your donation inspiration!
Thanks to all the donors!
So far, my donors have raised $1,403.59 out of my goal of $1,500.00.
Brian Nickerson
September 21, 2023
Rachelle Ankney
September 21, 2023
James Heid
September 21, 2023
David Kris Collins
September 21, 2023
Haleigh Martin
love this work!
September 20, 2023
Michael Collins
September 20, 2023
Jolene O'Tool
September 20, 2023
Jori Zepeda
September 19, 2023
Dia Morgan
September 19, 2023
Andrea Dennis
September 19, 2023
Nancy Weber
September 19, 2023
Bethany Collins
September 18, 2023