CFT is all about cultivating a community that is dedicated to an economy that values the labor and dignity of all people
– Abby Alley
I’m proud of Chicago Fair Trade because it represents a beacon of ethical and sustainable business practices in the heart of a Chicago. As you may know, Chicago is the birthplace of the labor rights movement so it’s no surprise that part of that legacy is now being the home of the largest fair trade organization in the US.
This year CFT opened the world’s first Fair Trade museum with over 2000 people coming through its doors in the first 6 months of operation including a few school field trips. Through your donations, it’s our hope this museum will be permanent.

On a personal note, I am so grateful for the community of small business owner members of Chicago Fair Trade. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely venture, but with dozens of likeminded women just a phone call away, it’s been an incredible resource and one of the kindest communities I’ve been part of.
My personal fundraising goal this year is $1000. Whether we get there with a five donations of $200 or 200 donations of $5, either way we’ll be coming together to build a more fair economy!
Thank you so much in advance for your support.
xo, Abby
Help me raise money!
My personal goal is $1,000.00
Donate to our Flash Fundraiser page and make sure to choose my name for your donation inspiration!
Thanks to all the donors!
So far, my donors have raised $980.12 out of my goal of $1,000.00.
September 20, 2023
Brittany Ryswyk
Such important work! Way to go!
September 19, 2023
Andrea Dennis
September 19, 2023
Holly Jensen
Proud of you Abby
September 19, 2023
Abby Alley
September 19, 2023