CFT Coffee Klatch: Valentine’s Edition
Meet our newest member Zimt- CFT’s first Fair Trade bakery member!
This Saturday, we are bringing back CFT’s Coffee Klatch. Pour yourself a cup of fair trade coffee or tea and join us as we welcome our newest business member, Zimt-our first fair trade baker member! We’ll visit Zimt’s owner, Alina Tompert, as she bakes at her kitchen at The Hatchery. Learn how her business was born, how she carefully sources fair trade and ethical local ingredients, and check out her tasty, fair trade creations.
We look forward to connecting as a community and welcoming our newest member ahead of Valentine’s!
You can learn more and register here. Or you can join via this Zoom link on Saturday at 10: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4674144057?pwd=UVBFOTZyeU5oMkxqVUpBTFlsZDdsdz09 Meeting ID: 467 414 4057. Passcode: 2006637