Adidas: Pay Your Workers!
Urge Adidas to End Wage Theft from Garment Workers!
During the pandemic, Adidas left workers in its supply chain without payments they are owed. Adidas claims that all is fine, but the workers in its supply chain beg to differ. In eight Adidas supplier factories in Cambodia alone, Adidas owe their workers US$ 11.7 million in wages that’s $387 per worker.
While this presents a desperate crisis for the workers and their families, Adidas could easily afford to ensure that all workers in its supply chain receive their regular wages during the pandemic. Adidas annual revenue in 2021 increased 10.83% from 2020.
It is time for Adidas to sign a binding agreement on wages, severance, and the freedom to organize to ensure that workers in its supply chain never have to go without their full wages and severance again! Join Chicago Fair Trade and allies and let Adidas hear loud and clear: Pay Your Workers!