Chicago Fair Trade has always prioritized developing youth leaders and through our partnership with After School Matters, we work with teens throughout the city, expanding our reach.

In 2021, Chicago Fair Trade launched a new program, Build Your Brand: Ethical Entrepreneurship with Chicago Fair Trade. Dozens of entrepreneurial teens from all corners of the city of Chicago have participated, learning about fair trade and gaining valuable skills while earning a stipend. In the summer of 2023, CFT is leading a program: Museum Makers: Be an Advocate for Fair Trade and Economic Justice!

Generation Z is leading the way and we are here to support them!
Consider this…90% of Generation Z consumers believe that companies should be addressing environmental and social issues (McKinsey & Company), and 72% believe that racial equality is the most important issue today (World Economic Forum).
At Chicago Fair Trade, we want to support Generation Z in bringing about the revolution in business the world needs. To that end, we offer an apprenticeship program through After School Matters for Chicago teens aspiring to be ethical entrepreneurs. Magic happens when creative ambitious teens are paired with the support of passionate and committed fair trade leaders. Our next session of “Build Your Brand” runs from February 22 throughMay 8 and we’re here for it!
Andrea Dennis, CFT Co-Chair and ASM Instructor