COFFEE MORNING: Open House Chicago Fair Trade
Saturday, May 13 is World Fair Trade Day, and the biggest celebration in the US will once again be hosted by Chicago Fair Trade!
The Chicago Fair Trade Open House event will take place in two parts:
MORNING: Locations across the North, South, and West sides of the city serving free fair trade coffee and giving visitors a chance to win fair trade prizes. Hosts this year are the BeeLove Café, The Eco Flamingo, Haitian American Museum of Chicago, the National Veterans Art Museum, Re:new Project, the South Asia Institute, Ten Thousand Villages Evanston, and Ten Thousand Villages Oak Park. Check out our interactive map showing exact locations of the coffee stops, plus opening times.
AFTERNOON: From 1pm to 7pm, a huge Fair Trade Fest will be held at the recently opened Fair Trade Museum. The Fest, which is free to attend, will be jam-packed with interactive sessions including fair trade tastings, crafting and gardening demos, interactive talks from experts in the field, and even a Great Fair Trade Bake-Off competition guests can compete in.