For institutions that want to join the social impact movement.
Institutional membership is non-fee-based and has two different groups:
Join a fellowship of congregations committed to fair trade
Share best practices for how to expand the message of fair trade
Get access to fair trade content to share with congregants
Make a social impact in the lives of marginalized producers
Four Ways to be Involved
ORGANIZE at least one fair trade event each year. Chicago Fair Trade is happy to help!
SERVE fair trade products in your house of worship or at an event!
EDUCATE your congregation about fair trade in order to advocate for social justice!
SUPPORT our organization and mission. Donate to Chicago Fair Trade!
Nonprofits and Educational Institutions
Join a community committed to fair trade
Get access to fair trade content to share with members
Get access to fair trade content to share with members
Make a social impact in the lives of marginalized producers
Four Ways to be Involved
ORGANIZE at least one fair trade event each year. Chicago Fair Trade is happy to help!
SERVE fair trade products at your space or at an event!
EDUCATE your members about fair trade in order to advocate for social justice!
SUPPORT our organization and mission. Donate to Chicago Fair Trade!
Need inspiration? Here are some ways to get involved!
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Organize a fair trade holiday market
Organize a film screening
Host a fair trade speaker
Organize a clothing swap
Participate in Chicago Fair Trade’s World Fair Trade Day event
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Serve fair trade coffee. Better yet, serve CFT coffee
Serve fair trade tea, sugar, or other consumables
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Partner with a local CFT business to showcase how they support economic and environmental justice
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Make a financial donation to CFT
Promote the CFT Holiday Pop-Up shop or other programming